Mental Health Challenges in Nigeria
Monday mornings are not very pleasant for me. This is because sometimes I just wish my weekends were longer, or maybe my weekdays were shorter. I recently read an article about some advocacy for fewer weekdays and I fear Nigeria for one, will not be the first to adopt that, unfortunately. So, my dread for Monday mornings may continue for a while until something gives. So, on my way to work this morning, racing against time as usual, I alight from the very last taxi from whence I would walk down the crescent leading to the office. As I begin the ‘long walk to ...’, I notice something strange happening ahead of me. There are three men on the stretch of road: one barefooted, wearing a white robe and ahead of the other two. The second is holding what seems like a long rod or stick, and the last one is hustling behind the stick-wielding one. The one cloaked in what looks like an ‘aladura’ robe, charges on in my direction. He is holding something like a rope and is tying it around...