
Showing posts from April, 2019

#WorldMalariaDay: Why were mosquitoes created?

Mosquitoes are the known vectors or carriers of the parasite that causes malaria. To be precise, it is the female mosquito known as anopheles, that carries the parasite, which is known as plasmodium. All these are facts taught in primary and secondary schools. One would wonder, why teach these things if for years, we are unable to find a lasting solution to the fatal disease? I mean, what is knowledge without wisdom?  Prevention, they say, is better than cure, so the message being preached over the years is that people need to stop breeding mosquitoes around their homes and places of abode. By so doing, they wouldn't get bitten by mosquitoes. Insecticide treated nets have been invented, mosquito repelling creams produced, drugs that kill the parasite have been discovered, we've even come to the realization that combination therapy works better in the treatment of malaria, but how about the insects themselves?  I monitored a discussion about the causes, treat

Seek And You Shall Find

I was going through scriptures the other night, reading about Jesus' life as recorded in the book of Luke. The lady with the alabaster box was one of the stories in the chapter I was reading and something struck me that Ill like to share with you. In verse 37- 38 of Luke Chapter 7, the bible says the woman with the alabaster box she stood behind Jesus weeping:  A woman in that town who lived a sinful life learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisees house, so she came there with an alabaster jar of perfume. As she stood behind him at his feet weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears. Then she wiped them with her hair, kissed them and poured perfume on them. (Luke 7: 37-38) Then, I began to have a mental picture of the whole scenario. How was Jesus sitting that she went 'behind Him' to wash His feet? I don't know why, but I was reading between the lines and wanted to know what seemed really trivial, compared to the 'rhema' in this pa

Clash Between Gang Members in Choba Community and Subsequent Arrests: Personal Account of Business Owner and Resident of Choba Community

I had finished from the office for the day and boarded a vehicle to take me home. Approaching the Choba Area Command Headquarters on the East-West road, just after Alakahia, I notice some kind of traffic congestion ahead. Getting closer about 6 vans or more, filled with young boys with their eyes covered were being driven out of the station. The expressway by which the station is located has two lanes, one for vehicles going to Choba and the other for vehicles heading towards Rumuokoro. The side of the road heading to Rumuokoro is where the station is situated, and there's traffic builds up on that aide because the police vans have to drive out, causing some sort of delay for other vehicles which had to be at a standstill. This may not be unrelated to the sporadic shooting reported by residents of Choba on Wednesday morning and evening. Meanwhile, an acquaintance of mine who runs a business and resides in Choba community of Obio/Akpor in Rivers State sent me a d

My #TuesdayThoughts: Trails of Cultism in Rivers State

It's a lovely Tuesday morning and I'm racing against time as I always do. I wake up thankful as usual, then get a call to change over the power source and switch on the water pump as PHED had remembered us early. There's a catch to it though, I needed to hurry up because it wasn't going to stay on too long (that is how they do hia). As quick as I could, I rush out to do as asked. Coming back in, I take out some clothes, not sure of the particular ones now (after all Abba says I shouldn't worry about what to wear, so I don't bother to decide on what to wear the night before like I used to do). I plug the iron while I'm taking out some possible fits from the wardrobe and suitcase. A top, two dresses and a skirt. I jump on the bed, ready to get to it and voila!  The fan stops squeaking. There's a power cut.  I get on with other early morning chores. From the sweeping to the warming of food and clearing out the kitchen; filling containers that needed