Stop Groping Women!
The word 'groping' has recently received prominence as a result of revelations in Hollywood and America in general. It's an offence in ths US to touch a woman in an unwanted and unexpected sexual way or to have committed the act in the past (maybe a time that it was passively permissible). This is because groping is an act of abuse, and can be classified as violence against women. In Nigeria however, we are still grappling with mundane issues such as rape, female genital mutilation and patriarchy to start considering what may be considered as trivial in these climes. An ordinary day in the market makes you prone to groping in Nigeria. We are yet to understand abuse in any other term not connected to the application of force. You go to the market to buy foodstuff or get wares. The male vendor not only wants to make ends meet by selling off his goods, but also attempts to flex his muscles, show that he is stronger and how you should succumb to his pressure, just to buy...